Timezone Australia
Timezone is a great place to treat your kids, hang with your mates, take a date, or spend some alone time. Our games and amusements give you an out when life becomes too much or a boost when it is time to cut loose and have fun.
Craigieburn Central, 340 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn, VIC 3064 Australia ,

Free Yellow Swiper Day

Jan 15, 2018 @ 10:00 am  —  Jan 15, 2018 @ 10:00pm

We’re at it again!
Free Standard Games all day including Mario Kart, Pinball, Jurassic Park and many more!

Timezone Australia

Craigieburn Central, 340 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn, VIC 3064 Australia 

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Event Venue

  • Venue
    Timezone AustraliaTimezone is a great place to treat your kids, hang with your mates, take a date, or spend some alone time. Our games and amusements give you an out when life becomes too much or a boost when it is time to cut loose and have fun.
  • About
    Timezone is a great place to treat your kids, hang with your mates, take a date, or spend some alone time. Our games and amusements give you an out when life becomes too much or a boost when it is time to cut loose and have fun.
  • Follow On

Event Details